Travel CPAP’s & Batteries
Reliable Medical Solutions has the latest in CPAP technology to meet all your travel needs! From the smallest travel CPAP on the market, Transcend Micro, to a variety of FFA-approved batteries, Reliable Medical Solutions makes it easy for you to get a restful night’s sleep anywhere around the world!
*Tricare does cover travel CPAP’s and travel batteries for active-duty service members who travel a minimum of 3 days per month & will remain enlisted for at least a year from receiving authorization for your travel equipment.

Transcend Micro PowerAway Battery

Transcend Micro Auto CPAP

Zopec EXPLORE Mini CPAP Travel Battery

Zopec EXPLORE 4000 CPAP Travel Battery

Zopec EXPLORE 5700 CPAP/BiPap Travel Battery

Zopec EXPLORE 8200 CPAP/BiPap Travel Battery

Contact Us
P: 719-203-5015
F: 833-547-6584